Activities in progress
Collaborative & Innovative
Network Development
We are taking a considered approach to building a network of researchers and physicians active in the field of polymicrogyria research. We hope to use this online platform to connect with the polymicrogyria community globally.

Comprehensive literature review
We are actively conducting a comprehensive review of the literature published on polymicrogyria. This will form the basis of our research initiatives and will inform the direction of our efforts. We hope to publish findings from this review and present research at international conferences.

Plan a conference
We hope to set up a biannual conference series for polymicrogyria bringing together researchers in this field globally. This conference series will help to build the research community for this rare disease and keep the scientific community informed of findings and key areas for further research in polymicrogyria. We hope to keep people with polymicrogyria and their carers and families at the heart of all research efforts representing their experiences at this conference.